Thursday, March 31, 2011

sleeping habit. pt 2

Hertz's habit is highly contagious...




Tuesday, March 29, 2011

sleeping habit

Hertz is always vulnerable to day-sleep and it has become a habit, but the thing is, he hasn't been able to figure out yet where he really wants to lay his back down. check these out!

See? tsk.tsk.tsk. LOL

Monday, March 28, 2011

...and there, you've already met the permanent residents of the cLutzville! this blog will now roll onto the villa's day-to-day chronicles..


Res ipsa loquitor...

Sheryl: The Commander-in-Chief



Fierce... :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sheena Frances

The first born, Sheena Frances is considered the first among firsts. She is our first child, first granddaughter of both her maternal and paternal grandparents, and still first great-granddaughter on my father's side. This being so, she had earned lavish attention from our parents and other relatives. She had been the center of the family for years, until her siblings came about. She had grown to some kind kind of a brat. However, despite of all the attention she's got, she remained shy, timid, and reserved (sometimes.LOL). She went to school very early (she's just finished 4th grade but she's only 9 y.o.), which i regretted so much, for she developed rather late compared to her peers (while others are studying, she went on to play, this is her typical day in school).

She's not into meeting and hurdling challenges. If it goes hard for her, she would rather turn her back than try to overcome the challenge. With this attitude, she see all things in school  to be too hard for her, although she can learn very fast, but might as well forget the lesson she has just learned on a snap of a finger.

She's a little techy. Computers, cellphones, other gadgets, she has eat and live with them. She can even bypass your passwords so i have to install some encrypting device in order to hide  my V.I. files.

She can sing, but for Christ's sake, her dance is hideous (LOL).

Hertz Lenin

The name sounds a li'l German with a burst of socialist in it. The German in my first boy's name (Hertz, pronounced as "hurts," has no relation at all to my German ascent (LOL. there isn't any anyway), rather it was a combination of my real first name and the name I've got from some of my friends: Herbert + cLutz = Hertz.

The middle name Lenin, by the way, was inspired from my socialist idealism plus a vivid description of how the child looked during his infant days (look closely at the pics below). Vladimir Lenin, a bald communist leader of the 1917 October Revolution who brought the Soviet masses into power and sprinkled the seeds of socialism all over Eastern Europe. The holistic socialist theory of the Russian leader and philosopher inspired us to name our second child in honor of him. Crazy! but the sound of the name goes well--HERTZ LENIN.

The second youngest member of the family has the piercing eyes of an Eagle, the iron fist of  a mad King, and the humorous mind of a jester. He has grown very fierce, strong, bully but funny. His looks could melt you down, but his actions and words could send your seat upside down. His punchlines could neither be found in joke books nor in any casual conversations of adults.

He could defy anybody, even us, his parents, except his elder sister "Ate Sheena." His loyalty remained with her. Anything she says is a rule for him. She says, he says.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meet the Residents... Sean Forrest

This is Sean Forrest, the youngest in the family. We simply call him "Sean" or sometimes "Seanfo." He's active, very cheerful, playful (it's no surprise, we all know that every little child should be). He doesn't want his long hair pulled, or worst, tied.  

To date, he's already a year and half old, but I'm getting a li'l disappointed with the way his language development is going. he's kind of noisy, sometimes, but i couldn't quite understand his words. Other children follow what older people say, he doesn't. I wonder how in the world could he learn if he would not try uttering the words we want him to say. then later, you'd really be surprised when you hear him say "tenkyu." hahaha... he's very much into words like "daddy, ate, adto (there)."

Sometimes, his mom would ask him to say "mommy," and then he would utter (along with a smile) the word "momma"--'tis the way his Kuya Lenin called his former yaya, who happened to be Sean's nanny too, and this makes my wife a little impatient. haha.

I dont know, but his kind of fast when it comes to a lot things. he can follow simple instructions (except the talking part) such as when you ask him to get your shoes or maybe close the door, he would rush up and give to you what you asked for. 

Funny! really! whenever you tell him to turn on the fan, he'd surely go to where the fan is, not to push the buttons, but to pull the wire..hahaha.. but this is Sean. No time that you won't get some good laugh with him. He's so makulit. He doesn't want to get lost the sight of her mom, but he doesn't want to call her name. hahaha.. 

See the picture? look at his eyes, it seems like his up for some horror scenes or something..haha

...and BTW, he's got the most unusual ring finger i have ever seen, it's of the same length with his middle one.. :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


just lately, i found blogging more interesting and exciting than burning your time while being logged onto some popular networking sites. this could be my third blogsite at blogger. i just decided to create several blogs and manage my posts according to categories. i name this as "clutzville" to let readers know that this is my home. this talks about my family, my friends, and our day-today adventures...