Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hertz Lenin

The name sounds a li'l German with a burst of socialist in it. The German in my first boy's name (Hertz, pronounced as "hurts," has no relation at all to my German ascent (LOL. there isn't any anyway), rather it was a combination of my real first name and the name I've got from some of my friends: Herbert + cLutz = Hertz.

The middle name Lenin, by the way, was inspired from my socialist idealism plus a vivid description of how the child looked during his infant days (look closely at the pics below). Vladimir Lenin, a bald communist leader of the 1917 October Revolution who brought the Soviet masses into power and sprinkled the seeds of socialism all over Eastern Europe. The holistic socialist theory of the Russian leader and philosopher inspired us to name our second child in honor of him. Crazy! but the sound of the name goes well--HERTZ LENIN.

The second youngest member of the family has the piercing eyes of an Eagle, the iron fist of  a mad King, and the humorous mind of a jester. He has grown very fierce, strong, bully but funny. His looks could melt you down, but his actions and words could send your seat upside down. His punchlines could neither be found in joke books nor in any casual conversations of adults.

He could defy anybody, even us, his parents, except his elder sister "Ate Sheena." His loyalty remained with her. Anything she says is a rule for him. She says, he says.

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